Friday, June 26, 2009

We reached the $1000 baby emergency fund Mark!

Yay! it took a couple of months but we did it, doing a happy dance! I had three mini goals lined up for June which were (1) get the emergency fund to the $1000 mark, (2) make a summer wreath for our front door (3) learn to crochet a dishcloths and I have accomplished all three goals YAY!

I have to think on what mini goals I would like to do for the month of July. One goal in which I have in mind is to paint a picture. I guess it will be one of my goals because I picked up some paint,brushes and a board to paint on. I hope that I havn't bitten off more then I can chew but after teaching myself how to sew from watching video's online and reading articles on the internet I think that I can do this one lol.

Anyhow, I am thrilled with my success so far with my mini goals to date.

1 comment:

Stacee said...

Congrats to you!!! We keep striving, but falling short ... life somehow keeps getting in the way, lol. I'm confident one day I'll be able to post the same thing though!